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Dr. Beckmann Glowhite Ultra Fabric Whitener - 2 Sachets Stock Number: ES1771583

High intensive whitening formula to help remove the yellowing and greying of your fabrics - help bring your whites back to their best!

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Manufactured by Dr. Beckmann

Dr. Beckmann Glowhite Ultra Fabric Whitener - 2 Sachets

Picture this - you take your whites out of the washing machine only to find they no longer appear as pristine as they once did. Perhaps the crisp whites have become a more greyish colour, or maybe they've even begun to turn yellow!

Well unfortunately over time, without a powerful whitener, those white shirts and other garments will lose their whiteness. Luckily eSpares is here to help though!

We have this fantastic pack of two Glowhite Ultra sachets, which can be inserted into your washing machine, along with your detergent and laundry - so you can get your whites back to the bright white you have come to expect.

This powerful intensive formula can work on those greying and yellowing areas, delivering a maximum ultra-white result.

Using Dr. Beckmann's Glowhite can help achieve whiter than white results in no more than 3 easy steps:

Step 1: Simply pop a single sachet into the back of your washer on top of your laundry

Step 2: Next, simply add your recommended amount of detergent and wash your clothes as normal. Please be aware that the formula operates only at 20°C and above.

Step 3: Finally for larger loads, you may require the use of both sachets to ensure you can achieve that same level of intense whitening action.


  • Pack of 2
  • 40gm pack

Please Note: Always remove and dispose of the empty sachet(s) at the end of the wash.