If the brushbar on your Dyson handheld stick vacuum has stopped spinning or isn't spinning correctly, it is most likely due to a blockage in your vacuum cleaner. This video will help you locate where the blockage is and how to release it.
Safety first!
Before you begin your Dyson repair, make sure your vacuum is switched off and fully disconnected from the mains.
How to diagnose brushbar spinning problems on your Dyson handheld stick vacuum step by step
Let's get started! For help with diagnosing why your Dyson brushbar is no longer spinning correctly, simply follow the how-to video or the step by step guide below.
Check the motorhead
Firstly, if the brushbar on your Dyson is pulsating every few seconds, it could mean you have a blockage in the motorhead.
Step 1: Disconnect the motorhead
To check this, disconnect the motorhead from the wand by pushing down on the grey button and gently pulling it away.
Step 2: Check for blockages
Check the inside of the motorhead and clear anything that could be causing a blockage.
Step 3: Test
Reconnect the motorhead to the wand and test to see the if brushbar is now spinning as it should.
Check the wand
If the brushbar is still not spinning correctly, the next thing to check is the wand.
Step 1: Disconnect the wand
Disconnect the wand from both ends of the vacuum. To do this, again press on the grey buttons at each end and gently pull it away.
Step 2: Check for blockages
Check both ends of the wand for any blockages that could be causing the issue and check that you can see all the way through the wand. Remove any dust or debris that could be causing the issue.
Step 3: Test
Reconnect the wand at both ends and check to see if the brushbar is now spinning as it should.
Check the bin inlet
If the brushbar on your Dyson still isn't spinning correctly, it's time to check the bin inlet.
Step 1: Disconnect the bin inlet
Disconnect the wand from the bin inlet again. To do this, press down on the grey button and gently pull the wand away.
Step 2: Check for blockages
Check the bin inlet, which is the inside of where the wand attaches to the main body of the vacuum cleaner. Remove any blockages you can see.
Step 3: Test
Reconnect the wand and test your vacuum to see if the brushbar is now spinning correctly.
Check the brushbar
If this still hasn't resolved the issue, then it's time to check the brushbar itself. To do this you will need to disconnect the motorhead and remove the brushbar.
Step 1: Disconnect the motorhead
Disconnect the motorhead from the wand by pressing down on the grey button and gently sliding it away.
Step 2: Remove the brushbar
To get the brushbar out, you will need to use a flathead screwdriver or a coin. Insert this into the dent at the side of the motorhead and turn in the direction of the arrow until it pops up.
Then, simply lift the brushbar out by lifting it up from the inside and pulling it out from the top.
Step 3: Remove any blockages
Your brushbar is likely to get clogged up with dust and dirt as well as hair and string. When it is free, you can remove any blockages. For stubborn hair or string, you can use scissors or a seam ripper to help you.
Step 4: Refit the brushbar
To refit the brushbar, push it all the way inside the motorhead and replace the cap using your flathead screwdriver or coin.
Step 5: Test
Reconnect the motorhead and test the vacuum once again.
We hope this step by step guide has helped you solve the brushbar spinning issue and your Dyson handheld stick vacuum is back up and running again!
However, if you find the brushbar still isn't spinning correctly after all the blockages have been removed, it could be a problem with the drive assembly. You can find out how to replace this in our other advice article.
Caring for your Dyson brushbar
To ensure the brushbar on your Dyson continues to work correctly, regularly check for blockages in your vacuum and remove any hair, string or debris from the brushbar itself. This will prevent it from becoming too clogged and stopping your vacuum cleaner from working. If you notice that the bristles in your brushbar have become very worn, it will need replacing. You can find a replacement brusbar in our online shop.
If you need any additional spare parts or accessories for your Dyson vacuum cleaner, you can find them on the Vacuum Cleaner Spares section of our online shop. Or, if you're having any other issues with your vacuum cleaner, head on over to our Vacuum Cleaners Repair Help & Advice Centre to see our wide range of articles on vacuum cleaner fixes, care and maintenance.
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